Mani ( Delhi, India )
Baby… My sweetheart
I didn’t know that we were going to meet, luckily we met.
I didn’t think we would would become best friends and it is lovely that we became just that, but I never expected that we would become lovers and live for each other. I was wrong on this too.
Time and destiny made us a couple.
I still remember the very first day I met you, you didn’t have any words for me, however the final day of training you started talking to me.
I still remember that voice. You called me “Mani” for the very first time and that was the first word between us.
You took 3-4 four days to have any sort of talk with me and now we can’t even bare the 3-4 moments of silence.
I have had positive thoughts for you since I met you. I’ve never had a bad thought about you at all. Gradually we became closer everyday, everyday talks, secrets of my life, break time with you behind the cafe at the gate no 8 were the most beautiful days, and of course the food you brought for me everyday.
And, suddenly shifts were changed. I missed you so much during that time.
Your presence, your laugh, the food you brought and spending break time with you.
I just missed the best time. You always standing by my side and whenever I was in trouble or upset, you made me laugh. You just became my soul to control my mind and heart.
I know we had some bad times together however we overcame those situations and still continued the relationship. You know your eyes talk a lot, they constantly speak with me, tell me stories, fight with me, show me the entire world. Your eyes really attract me more than anything in the world.
There are billions of smiles in the world and yours is the only one that sets my heart on fire.
Let all my happiness be yours, all your sadness
be mine. Let the whole world be yours, only you be mine! I can’t imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to.
I want to say lot of things to you but I just forget everything that I want to say when you are with me. I just forget myself and can’t take my eyes off of you. I just keep watching you again and again and it goes on…
It really doesn’t matter to me that you make me happy, or not. I am there for you only to make you happy, always. And I don’t need the happiness too, I just need your sadness to go away because I don’t want to you to be sad. So, just take all my happiness and give me your sadness.
I will and should always be your happiness all the time. I may not always be there for you to share and enjoy your happiness but I will always be there to share the sadness. To erase the sadness and carry it for you. To give you back the happiness and let my heart fill with your sadness …
I long for the days when you are carrying our baby in your tummy, a little girl for me like you, this is the gift which I want from you…