Love Letters to Her

by Kiran Paul

Dear Cathy,

Ever since I’ve met you and came to know you in this past few days, I’ve come to a realisation that you’re the one for me.

You’ve got no idea how happy I am whenever I’m texting or calling you. You really make me feel like the happiest guy in this whole wide world. You’re the most beautiful and smartest girl that I’ve ever come across in my life.

I admire your personality so much, the way you think and act is so adorable.

I remember the first day that I talked to you on the phone, your intelligence and confidence really made me fall in love with you. It was from that moment that I realised I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

There are times when I just keep quiet because I want to hear your sweet voice and I always like the way you explain things in such a detailed manner. I just want this happiness to be a forever thing with you. You might think my feelings are too fast and hurried but it only takes a second to realise if a person is perfect for you or not.

That very moment is when I lost my heart to you and it was the best feeling ever.

There is so much that I’ve fallen in love with… the way you’re always so kind and sweet to me, the way you’re so hardworking, the way you always care so much for the people around you, you’re patience with everything, you’re confidence in being successful and the list goes on.

I didn’t just fell for your beauty but also your humble personality. It made me realise how much we are alike and that our minds have the same mentality. You’re everything a guy would want in a girl and I truly want you for the rest of my life.

It’s easy to say but actions speaks louder than words. That’s why I want to keep working hard to show you that I really deserve you.

I want to make sure that whenever you’re with me, the only thing that you’ll feel is happiness. You’re happiness matters to me more than anything else in this world and not a day that goes by will change that.

My love is forever yours. I promise that I’ll treat you like a diamond and make sure you keep shinning as bright as ever.

Even if you are far away from me, you will never leave my heart even for a second. My love for you will blossom until the end because I want you to be mine and the only one for me till the end.

While I might not have the most romantic words at my disposal to express my love to you, I will manage these three words, special words, to show you how much you mean to me on a daily basis. After all words are just words if no action and effort is put into it. That’s why I’ll always give you my 100% effort into making you happy and to ensure that you’re always satisfied.

Like I said, nothing will ever be more important than your happiness to me and you’ll always be my number one priority. Seeing you smile and happy means a great deal for me, I would never want to see you sad. I would literally make sure that happiness is all that you will feel through out this life.

You’re the only one in my mind and heart and I solely promise that you’ll be the only one that I give my heart to.

I can keep on writing how much you mean to me and how much I feel for you but I prefer to make sure my actions speaks for me instead. I really want you for the rest of my life cutie and I’m going to make sure that I’ll do everything in my power to fulfill dream.

I wake up every morning smiling because of you. It is because I’m so eager to text and talk to you. I am really really lucky to have you in my life and I’m truly grateful for it. You’re the most special beautiful woman in my life ❤️ !!!


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