Long Distance Love Letters

by Your Oli

Heya Mimi,

My love. My heart. My Soul. My Chicken Nugget. I know you said not to worry, but obviously, I do, because I care about you more than anything, to be honest.

Ever since that first time we reconnected, all I ever wanted to do was make you happier and I’m so grateful that you’re giving me that chance. You deserve the world and more.

When you originally told me that you like had feelings for me, I was so effing happy because I didn’t want to ruin being able to talk to you. When I realised I was falling for you, I uh actually wasn’t surprised at all, as a human we’re attracted to talent and beauty and brains and personality and you just have it all and more.

I’ll never understand what I did to deserve this chance but I won’t ruin it.

I plan on marrying you baby-girl <3 But I mean, we’re rushing ahead.

I want to start, with the first kiss. The first dance. The first meal made together. The first trip we go on. The first “in real life” date we go to. The first time I hold you in my arms. The first time I pick you up. The first time I touch you.

Like my head, this looks like a mess. It’s not in order, but I’m getting off-topic.

You do this to me. I’m captivated by your brilliance and beauty in all aspects.

From the first time I laid my eyes on you…that smile, that amazing warm smile. I haven’t felt this way about anyone before, never. The connection we have is just…incomparable and the way you make me feel is like well, the luckiest man in the world.

I can never EVER, fully explain how much you mean to me, but I’m gonna try my darn hardest to show you my little butterfly.

I don’t care how long it takes or where it takes place as long as you’re by my side.

Life excites me again, thanks to you—like all the good things in life that we can experience together, all the little things and all the big things. Everything….As long as I’m with YOU.

Yours, forever and always,

Your Oli <3


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