Love Letters to Him

by Anonymous

I hope this is spam to you.
I hope you’re doing well.
I hope you’re happy.
I hope you’re at peace.

I hope you can sleep at night.
I hope your demons are letting you sleep.
I hope they stopped visiting your dreams.
I hope your pain has came to an end.

I hope you know I love you and there’s no life without you.
I hope you know I’m always here.
I hope you know I always cared.
I hope you know I always wanted to be it.

I hope you know I wanted to explain but I knew you wouldn’t hear me out.
I hope you know you’re untouchable.
I hope you know you’re irreplaceable.
I hope you know I can still hear your heartbeat in my head.

I can still smell you.

I hope you know I tried.
I hope you know I’m trying to get better for myself.
I hope you know I’m praying for you.
I hope and just have hope for us you and me.

I hope you know I pray for us to heal and find each other.
I hope you know I miss hearing your heart beat.
I hope you know I miss feeling you twitch at night cause it gave me a reason to wake you and kiss you.
I hope you know I miss your big wet kisses.

I hope you know I miss rubbing your chin.
I hope you know I miss scratching your back and head till you fall asleep.
I hope you know I miss your smelly feet.
I hope you know my heart aches everyday for you.

I hope you know I just can’t let you go.
I hope you know that I miss getting snacks every night.
I hope you know I missed you everyday since you left.
I hope you know I want you so bad.

I hope you know that we pray for you every night.
I hope you know you’re not alone.
I hope you know you’re my family.

I hope you know I’d do anything and everything to prove myself to you.
I hope one day you’ll miss me.
I hope one day I can make you smile.
I hope one day you can please just let me in.

I hope you’re eating.
I hope you’re getting enough rest.
I hope you aren’t drinking to feel numb.
I hope you can lean on me.

I hope you know that you helped me grow up.
I hope you know that you always protected me.
I hope you know that you know me better than I know myself.
I hope you know you were right.

I hope you know I’ll always want a family with you.
I hope you know I never ever stopped loving you.
I hope you know I still love you every single day.
I hope you know you’ve always been my all and my everything.

I miss you. I’ll love you always and forever.. forever the love of my life. xo..


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